Clean Cooking
In Tanzania, many communities still rely on traditional cooking methods, such as using open fires or inefficient stoves fueled by wood, charcoal, or other biomass. These practices contribute significantly to indoor air pollution, which is a leading cause of respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, particularly affecting women and children. Additionally, the environmental impact of these cooking methods—such as deforestation and carbon emissions—further exacerbates the country’s sustainability challenges
Government's Role in Shaping the Clean Cooking Space
The Tanzanian government has recognized the critical need for clean cooking solutions to address health, environmental, and economic challenges posed by traditional cooking methods. Central to this effort is the Tanzania National Clean Cooking Strategy (2020-2030), which aims to increase the adoption of clean cookstoves and alternative fuels, particularly in rural and peri-urban areas. The strategy emphasizes reducing indoor air pollution, improving public health, and preserving the environment by promoting cleaner cooking technologies such as LPG, biogas, and efficient biomass stoves. The government’s policies also encourage the reduction of deforestation and the sustainable management of natural resources, aligning with broader goals such as improving energy access and reducing the country’s carbon footprint.
In addition, the National Energy Policy (2015) and the Tanzania Rural Electrification Strategy (2016) support the transition to clean cooking by fostering the development of modern energy solutions. These policies aim to expand access to clean cooking fuels, provide subsidies and incentives for clean cookstove manufacturers, and ensure the safe, efficient, and affordable adoption of these technologies across the country. The Tanzanian government is also actively collaborating with international partners to promote clean cooking and accelerate the market transformation. By integrating clean cooking into national development strategies, the government seeks to improve public health, reduce poverty, and support environmental sustainability, thereby contributing to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy).
Our Thematic area
Clean energy Awareness and Demonstration Campaign
Clean energy Awareness and Demonstration Campaign
Women Clean cooking Awareness campaign
Women Clean cooking Awareness campaign
Train-the-Leader Programs
Train-the-Leader Programs
Our Impact
Awareness and Adoption
Thousands of community members in regions like Pwani, Mtwara, Lindi, and Dar es Salaam have participated in TASI’s awareness campaigns and workshops, with many households adopting clean energy technologies. The initiative has successfully shifted community attitudes towards safer, more sustainable cooking methods.
Environmental Benefits
The initiative has contributed to reducing deforestation by encouraging the use of alternative cooking fuels, such as liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and efficient biomass stoves. This shift helps preserve local ecosystems, reduce carbon emissions, and combat climate change.
Women Empowerment
By introducing cleaner cooking solutions for women specifically, TASI has empowered women, who are often the primary cooks, to reduce their exposure to harmful smoke and improve their health and safety. Women in these communities also benefit from the time saved in cooking and gathering firewood, enabling them to pursue income-generating activities or education.